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How to start a YouTube channel

YouTube channel

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Steps to create a YouTube channel in detail

You should think about why you want to create a YouTube channel: Do you want to create a personal channel or channel for your official company and business? We'll explain the two options for you to choose the best one for you.

Most people prefer to have a personal channel for them and another channel for their business.

Whatever the purpose, do the following:

1- Log in to your Google account (Gmail account)
No matter what type of channel you want to set up, it is imperative that you have a Google account.

Enter YouTube, and click Sign In.

Fill in the details: the email address (for you or your business) with the password to log in with your Google account:

If you do not have a Google account, or if you are logged in from a computer that is not yours, when the screen that requests to fill in the main data appears: the email address/password, click directly on more options (below the option: Forgot your password ?) And click Create an account.

Clicking on the More Information option to create a Google account in preparation for the step of creating a YouTube channel

Create your account by completing the required information.

2- Create the channel on YouTube
If you look at the top of the page, your image or company logo may appear, as you are connected to using a Gmail account. This is in the event that you have specified a picture of yourself on the e-mail, and in the opposite case, you will see a circle that includes the first letter of your name.

Click on this circle, and choose from the list that appears Option: Your channel

3- Choose a name for the channel name on YouTube
Put your name (in case you want to create a personal channel) or the name of your company (if you are creating the channel for your business).

Finally, click on the option: Create Channel.

OK! Your YouTube channel has been created.

Now put the details so that you can customize this channel and make it bear your fingerprint and personal creativity!

Start customizing your YouTube channel
Click on the "Create a Channel" option, after which you will see a page with your image:

1- Click on Option: Customize Channel.
2- Change your avatar that appears in the right box, and you can also place a channel art image that appears at the top of the channel.
If it is a personal account, you can add photos from your personal photos. If your goal in creating a YouTube channel is to market your business, add your company logo in the personal image to become a picture of the channel icon, then another image that reflects your business or what you will present in the channel so that it appears next to the channel icon image:

Add a custom picture to the channel on YouTube

Click the pencil mark at the top of the page, then click the option: Edit Channel Image. Or click directly on the button in the middle: add a channel art.

Recommended image dimensions: 1440 x 2560 and a maximum size of 6MB. To adjust the dimensions of the image, you can take a specific image and change its dimensions, depending on your cell phone itself, by entering the details of the image and trying to crop it from the sides until it reaches the specified dimensions or close to it.

How to edit the channel’s image on YouTube

 In the picture, squares indicate the channel image is placed on different devices for display
Put a suitable picture for the channel on YouTube

The result is as follows:

 In the picture, the cover of the channel has changed and has become an image bearing Arabic writing
The appearance of the channel on YouTube has become more professional and clearly indicates the nature of the channel

You can change the language, channel geography, and privacy of the videos: (hide some videos that may contain inappropriate content).

3- Click on your channel option on the upper right side of the screen, to preview your channel after customizing it.
This is how you can see what your channel will look like to the audience later!

The look of the YouTube channel after customization

It's time to start posting your videos.

You must have the videos recorded and ready!

1- Click on the camera icon at the top of the screen, next to your profile picture and the notification reminder bell.
You get two options: either upload a video or stream content. Choose what suits you best.

 In the picture, green arrows indicate the camera mark icon and two options for uploading video or shooting videos directly on the YouTube channel

2- In case you want to download a video from your device, click on the option: Upload Video.
A window appears for you: click on the large arrow that appears in the centre of the page, and another window appears for you to locate the video on your device and upload it to the channel! You can also drag the video out of its place to here.

The video content upload window to the YouTube channel

If you click on the small arrow accompanying the word: public, in the middle, a menu appears with 4 options for organizing the content you want to post via the YouTube channel: public, private, unlisted and scheduled. This determines how the content of the videos is viewed, who can view the videos and the time in which the content can be viewed.

The types of content that can be listed as a video

You can usually upload videos that are up to 15 minutes long. If you want to post videos longer than this, you must confirm that you are the owner of this channel, as it is customary to receive a verification code, via your email or mobile phone, and you confirm this to verify your identity to YouTube. Then you can download videos longer than that. You just have to make sure that you are using a modern version of the browser to be able to download videos larger than 20 GB.

3- Fill out the basic information of the video:
Limit the title of the video, the description of the video (what he talks about), you can (specify video thumbnails - to do this it is necessary to verify your account).

Select the privacy window and the style in which the video will appear:

1- General: All YouTube users will be able to access the content.

2- Unlisted: Only people with the video link can view it.

3- Private: Only you can watch the video.

4- Scheduled: You can choose the day and time for the content to be published.

Finished uploading and processing a video on the YouTube channel

4- Click on Advanced Settings to complete the information:
Adjust advanced settings for the uploaded video on the YouTube channel

You can adjust a range of settings, including:

Allow comment on the video, show comments that you agree to previously, or not allow comment
Choose between a standard YouTube video license, a license (reuse allowed), or Creative Commons (a license that is granted only to 100% original content).
Set the video category: Is the video entertaining? educational? news…
Video language selection: Arabic, English ...
Show history of video recording or not.
Determine whether or not you will allow others to embed the video on their site or topic. And other advanced settings for the video to achieve its intended purpose.

5- Click Done in the upper right corner and the command is done!
So your video will be on YouTube.

If you want to make any changes to the video, just click on the command: go back to the edit in the upper-left corner of the page, and make the appropriate adjustment.

To see what the video will look like while viewing it, click on the referenced link provided by YouTube, as in the previous image. The video is shown:

How do you increase the number of views on your YouTube channel?

After learning how to create a YouTube channel, you may feel excited to start working and attract a lot of viewers to your channel, right? So you can do some strategies and techniques that attract more people.

But first of all, you should work to study your ideal audience in order to provide them with important and useful content that keeps them integrated with you and interacting!

Then focus your efforts on the following:

1- Quality in preparing videos

2- Choose an important keyword for the content and use it in the video title, video description and throughout the content

3- Create thumbnails to attract user attention

4- Pay attention to the duration of the video’s presentation: Videos must not be too short or too long to ensure that the viewer will continue to interact and focus on the content

5- Place subtitles to allow your videos to reach people from other countries who may be interested in what you show on your channel.

6- Adding cards While editing the video, such cards make viewers click on other videos and watch more of what they offer

7- Promoting the content of the videos through social media: by using attractive ad text to capture people's interest and curiosity

8- Building partnerships and business with Youtubers and well-known influencers who love them

9- Publish content and videos regularly and purposefully, and it is best to have a calendar or calendar to organize the times for displaying videos and upload them to the channel.

In addition, you can also invest in the field of funded advertising, such as Google AdWords, so that your video reaches more people.

The important thing at this stage is to make the content visible and share it as possible!

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