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How To Start a Blog In WordPress


How To Create a WordPress Blog

Do you want to create a professional website?

But it seems to you that creating a website requires a lot of effort and many hours longer? And it represents a very difficult task, and you need a professional and a professional person?
Yes, this may be true, but what about the idea of creating a WordPress site? It does not require you to learn to program or work long hours.

Requirements for creating a WordPress site

1- E-Payment method
To create a professional WordPress site, you need to subscribe to a paid hosting, and you also need a domain name, this is in addition to buying a professional template paid and perhaps some paid additions, this of course requires you to have an electronic payment method to pay the costs of these requirements for the sites or companies that you will buy from.

You have to know that companies differ among themselves according to the electronic payment methods that they accept, but in any case, there are two methods of electronic payment are the months, and most companies accept them and they are:

Credit cards
Go to your local bank to find out the terms of credit card extraction, or register with Pioneer to get a free credit card.
It is the most popular online bank, which is linked to a bank account or credit card, and then used as a secure and widely accepted payment method.

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2- Some experience and skill in electronic dealings to register on the sites, and set and manage your site on WordPress.
In fact, this requirement is not as difficult as some people think, registering on websites (such as registering an account with a hosting company) is the same as creating an account on a social networking site, the whole idea here is to enter the data correctly. Also managing your site through the control panel provided by WordPress is very easy, and there are no technical requirements, just with some practice, you will deal with that simply.

Now let's move on to the steps of creating a simple and practical WordPress site.

Step 1: Domain Name Reservation
The domain name is the name of your website on the Internet and it is in this form “www.Yourwebsitename.com”, like the Google company domain name “www.google.com” Whatever method is used to create your site, a domain name must be purchased in order for the site to appear On the Internet, it represents your address on the Internet.

Many hosting companies give you a free domain when you book hosting for a year, and most hosting companies have their own stores to buy domain names easily through your personal account with one of them.
However, there are specialized and well-known stores that sell domain names, and here are the most important:
GoDaddy, NameCheap
Step 2: Hosting reservation
Web Hosting: It is the service of gathering the contents of your site in one place to display it on the Internet, without subscribing to a hosting company, your site will not be able to appear on the Internet, there are two types of hosting:

WordPress hosting: It is hosting for WordPress sites, and the advantage is that it includes a ready-made WordPress file and you only need to start creating your site immediately after booking it.

General hosting: The other type is used for all types of sites, and you upload the WordPress file yourself and start setting it manually, it does not take half an hour.

However, most well-known and well-known hosting companies offer a special package for WordPress site owners, which is configured to immediately work with WordPress to create websites.
Here is a small list of a group of premium hosting companies, which can be set by WordPress automatically:

Step 3: Install WordPress
After you have successfully completed the domain and hosting reservation, you can now start installing WordPress.

Step 4: choose the theme and upload it
Once you download WordPress to your site, you have a WordPress site, but initially and traditionally. In order to make your site unique and control how it appears to visitors, you must choose a WordPress template that suits the content of your site that you wish to display.

WordPress Themes: They are site-ready designs that have been specially made to work on WordPress sites, and you can choose any of them and upload them to your site to be your site's design.

There are two types of moulds:

Free templates
It is a template that volunteers created and made available to everyone free of charge, and there are thousands of them on the WordPress site itself, and you can access it through your WordPress site's control panel.

Paid templates
They are moulds created by people or companies, and they are mostly professional templates that have a lot of advantages, and more has been done to develop them, so you have to pay money to get one. There are a lot of stores and special sites that you can purchase a WordPress template through, and one of the most important and best known is ThemeForest.

Steps to upload a new template to your site

Log in to your site's control panel.
In the column to the right, right-click (Appearance), and then click (Themes). You will find a list of existing templates that you can activate any.
To upload a new template, click on the "Add New" button, you will find it at the top right.
In front of you, you will find many free templates that have been uploaded with WordPress, from which you can choose.
To use any of them for your site, press the Install button, then the Activate button.
If you want to upload a WordPress template from your computer (when purchasing a template that you can download files to on your computer), then click the Upload template button in the top right, choose the template file and upload it. After uploading the template you will see it when clicking on the Appearance >> Templates, and then you can activate it (i.e. an application that you can use on-site).

Step 5: Customize the WordPress template
Customizing the template enables you to set the identity of the site (adjusting the title and description of the site, adjusting the menus, setting the home page settings, and some other important tasks. To make customization for your site, follow these steps:

Log in to your site's control panel.
Click on "Appearance" in the side menu, then click "customize".
The Personalization section will open for you and from it you can change the identity of your site in terms of name, logo, logo, and also choose the form of the main page of the site (static page or articles)
You can also set template properties by entering the appearance of >>> Templates, then clicking the Custom button below the template used.

Step 6: Upload the most important plugins
Plugins are designed to expand the capabilities of WordPress and add new features and functions, especially for your site. After installing WordPress, you can remove some plugins that enable you to fully protect your site, help you build it completely and increase its speed.

Here are the steps to upload an extension to your site:

Log in to your site's control panel
Click (Plugins) in the side menu, then click (Add new).
Type in the place of the search the name of the extension.
Results will appear, choose the addition to be uploaded.
Click on "Install" and then "active".
The plugin will appear in the black sidebar, where you can adjust and fully or partially activate its properties.

Step 7: Start publishing content for the site
Displaying content in WordPress is divided into two main types of articles and pages, and you can link a group of articles to one classification, and as we mentioned, the use of WordPress in designing your site is easy and simple, and always depends on your effort to choose the quality of content and how to display it.

Here are the steps to create an article on WordPress:

Log in to your site's control panel.
Click (Articles) and then (New Add).
You can add the title and body of the topic and link the article to a specific classification.
Click on Publish.
Click on View Article to see it in visitor mode.
 Add and publish a new article
The steps to create a page are not much different than creating an article, just click on the Pages tab in the right column, then click Add New.

You can now publish your content and also start earning money from this site.

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How much does it cost me to create a WordPress site?

Besides creating a WordPress site is an easy thing that even non-professionals can do, it is also a limited cost and almost everyone can afford it.
Below I will put you in the cost points of the most important elements that you will need to create a WordPress site.

Here are the average prices for the most important elements you'll need to create a WordPress site:

Domain name
The price of the new domain name ranges from 10 to 15 dollars, paid annually.
The price ranges from 5 to 50 dollars, paid monthly.
WordPress template
WordPress theme costs from 20 to 50 dollars, pay once.
The bottom line: To create a WordPress site, on average you will initially need about $ 50, then you will need about $ 20 per month.

Here I have finished my article on the steps to create a WordPress site, which I hope will help much Arab youths create their own websites themselves.

I am very glad to receive any question or inquiry through the comments below, and I will answer it soon.
Do not forget to share this article with your friends in order for the benefit to prevail, and for the article to reach everyone with a dream to create a professional website.
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