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How many calories in a pound

How many calories in a pound

How many calories in a pound?

What are calories?

Basically, calories are a unit of energy. It measures the amount of energy that food provides to the body.

How many calories in a pound?

It is believed that there are 3,500 calories per pound, so it seems that if you reduce your diet by 500 calories per day, or you exercise and burn 500 calories per day (or any combination of both), you will lose a pound per week.

But this is not an exact science. When it comes to losing weight, there are many different variables to consider including metabolism.

All calories are not the same
For example, grams of carbohydrates contain 4 calories and the same applies to grams of protein. Grams of fat provides 9 calories. Carbohydrates are usually digested faster, and protein and fats are more slowly digested. Because each of these food groups affects the metabolism differently, it helps support that not all calories are the same.

It's best not only to look at the number of calories you eat but rather, focus on the type of calories you consume. The balance between the three is optimal.

Counting calories is a guide, not a Bible
Calorie counting on labels is allowed for a 20 per cent swing. It is important to remember that the percentage of daily values ​​in the Nutrition Facts Panel is based on a diet containing 2,000 calories.

 How many calories does the body need in a day?

 The total calories a person needs daily vary depending on many factors; Such as age, gender, height, weight, level of physical activity, and also according to a person’s need to lose weight, maintain it, or gain it, and other factors related to how these calories are consumed. Estimates of this daily caloric need depend on the estimated need for energy (in English) Estimated energy requirements), gender-specific height and weight references, and the age range of healthy people. The level of physical activity for each person can be estimated as follows: [4] Passive: (in English: Sedentary); It includes regular physical activities that relate to daily life only. Average activity: It is a lifestyle that includes physical activity equivalent to walking a distance ranging from about 2.5 to 5 kilometres per day at a speed equivalent to approximately 5 to 6.5 kilometres per hour, in addition to performing activities of daily life. Active: Any lifestyle that includes physical activity is equivalent to walking more than about 5 kilometres per day at a rate of about 5 to 6.5 kilometres per hour, in addition to regular physical activities related to daily life.

How many calories pregnant and breastfeeding women need?

 Nutritional needs of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding periods increase compared to non-pregnant or breastfeeding women; Especially during the last six months of pregnancy, calories are calculated or estimated as mentioned in the previous table; That is, according to the estimated mathematical calculations of caloric needs, with the addition of about 300 calories daily during the last six months of pregnancy, and 500 calories daily during lactation, it is worth noting that the caloric needs during the first three months of pregnancy increase slightly; therefore, there is no increase in the number of calories, and therefore it is equivalent to their caloric needs before pregnancy

How many calories does a bodybuilder need?

 It is advised to increase the calories consumed by 15% during the bulking phase. It is the stage of gaining muscle; For example, if a person's daily caloric needs are equivalent to 3000 calories, then 3450 calories should be consumed daily during this phase according to the following formula: (3000 x 0.15 = 450), and when moving from the muscle amplification stage to the drying stage (in English: Cutting phase); It is a stage to reduce excess body fat resulting from the stage of muscle amplification through a gradual reduction in the calories consumed and increased aerobic exercise, and therefore the daily calories are reduced by 15%, i.e. by consuming 2550 calories per day instead of 3450 calories, it is worth noting that While gaining weight during muscle mass or weight loss in the dry phase; A dietician should be consulted to adjust caloric intake at least once every month in line with changes in weight. A review published in Sports Medicine in 2004 indicated that the diet should consist of both of the above two conditions, both during the stage of muscle amplification. Or the drying phase of carbohydrates by between 55-60%, and protein by between 25-30%, and fats by 15-20%

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