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How do people make money on youtube

How do people get paid on youtube?

Before we begin, I want to tell you that earning from YouTube requires time, effort, and investment as well. In fact, the results that you can achieve are worth the time, effort and investment required.

What do I need to start earning from YouTube?

1- YouTube Channel Idea
This point is considered the most important point on the road to profit from YouTube, and if it is implemented smartly and wisely, it cuts a lot of effort and wasted time in the future.

2- A set of skills
Now you have the idea of ​​a YouTube channel according to your interests and passions, which you found to have a large segment of the audience already interested ... very cool now you have to know what skills you need to start implementing the idea.

Although working as a YouTube publisher is something flexible, and you can start with the lowest possible capabilities, there are some important skills that you have in case you want to create a promising YouTube channel with a fast growth rate.

  • The first skill: speaking, delivering, acting, explaining and commenting
  • The second skill: photography
  • The third skill: montage, editing and directing
  • Fourth skill: Marketing

What do you do if you do not have the skill you need to earn from YouTube?
You can obtain a partner, contract with an independent, or rely on self-employment platforms.

3- A set of equipment and tools

  • Photographic equipment
Your photographic equipment may be your personal mobile phone camera, or it can be specialized and sophisticated heavy imaging equipment. Photographic equipment also includes lighting or ring light for youtube and sound recording equipment.
Here are links to camera equipment on Amazon

  • Video creation and editing programs
It is a specialized program for creating and editing videos, adding some parts to the front and end, and making visual tricks… etc.

  • financial budget to meet the expenses
Profiting from YouTube is just like any other business, as it needs investment to develop it in order to obtain faster growth and a greater return.

You have to have a financial budget to meet your channel’s expenses (for example, renting freelancers to do certain tasks, doing paid advertising campaigns, etc.).

  • An action plan
The plan is the crown that will crown all your efforts with success, and it is the element that connects all the previous points and makes them work together in harmony, in short, the plan is the path to success.

Steps to Profit from YouTube

Step 1: Create a YouTube channel

Step 2: start to supply your channel with videos consistently and continuously.
Keep publishing new videos, and try to avoid the mistakes that you made in previous videos, listen to your audience even if it was a little in the beginning, try to please it and benefit from its advice and suggestions, and encourage it to share its opinions always.

Step 3: Start marketing your channel and videos
Create pages on the social media of your YouTube channel.
Create paid advertising campaigns on YouTube.
Ask your friends, family and loved ones for help to help your videos reach more viewers.
Try to reach mutual marketing agreements with channel owners in the same field or near fields.
Try to use the trend to get more views (using the trend means making videos about hot events or popular videos).
Encourage viewers of your videos to subscribe to the channel, and share the videos on social media.
Create a blog for your YouTube channel, post textual content about the videos, and embed the videos on the blog.

Suggested article: How to create a WordPress blog?

Step 4: Start earning from YouTube
There are a lot of ways to profit from YouTube as mentioned above, but the most important and best known is through participation in the YouTube Partner Program.
There are also different ways like Affiliate Marketing, selling your own products and marketing for online courses

Suggested article: How to earn money from affiliate marketing?

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Here is a list of YouTube terms or requirements for profit:

The channel is in compliance with YouTube monetization policies.
You are resident in a country where the YouTube Partner Program is available.
4000 watch hours in the last 12 months.
At least 1000 subscribers.
Have a Google AdSense account and link it to the channel.

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