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How to Use Guest Blogging to Attract New Clients

How to Use Guest Blogging to Attract New Clients

Use guest blogs to attract new customers

Freelancers are always looking for ways to attract clients and build trust with them, but the large number of sources that compete on the Internet makes it difficult to stand out. Without a solid strategy, it will be difficult to reach your target audience. Fortunately, posting on sites similar to yours can be a great way to improve your visibility and establish credibility with the audience, and if the audience trusts the blog or website you are posting on, you can build a potential customer base quickly and effectively.

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In order to succeed, you will need to search for appropriate topics, in addition to advertising your ideas in an attractive way, and we will talk about four steps that help build an effective blogging strategy.

Step 1: Do a thorough research on the topic
The idea of ​​the publication is one of the most important factors that determine whether the site will agree to publication on it or not, and therefore you will need a strong idea that fits the target audience to attract the attention of the site owner; If your idea is not suitable, your application will be ignored.

You will also need to think about what information readers are looking for when they see your post. You may have an idea that you would love to write about, but if your readers don't like it, it won't attract their attention, and therefore you should start your research to try to understand the problems the audience is facing, the questions they don't find answers to, or the information that are not available online; You can find out by searching on social media, browsing the forums, or even through the comments on the site to find out the questions asked by customers. It will also help you to see the competitors and know the topics they cover and the questions asked by the masses on their sites; To get a general idea of ​​what you can write.

Step 2: Find blogs that fit your target audience
Now comes the turn of finding suitable blogs; Which blogs your target audience interacts with and which sites may be interested in your ideas, the audience you choose for your blog is very important; As posting on sites that are not trusted or that your target audience is not interested in, it will just be a waste of time; Whereas if your ideal customers are constantly browsing the blog you want to post on, you can post on it to get their attention as long as they trust that site, they will be more likely to trust you as well.

In addition, start their search on social media to find blogs that your audience interacts with, browse forums related to them, find sites that they interact with and know that they will be the leaders in the field. You can use this information to put together a list of blogs where you want to publish your ideas, and also find suitable sites that accept posts from others regularly.

Step 3: Plan well for your first idea
All you have done so far is prepare to submit your idea, but you will not be able to continue publishing if your idea is not strong even if it is with the ideal topic and audience, and your post must be presented in an effective way to obtain the approval of the site owner; That is, you must explain your post and the topic it contains, in addition to clarifying some of the main points you want to communicate and why you think the topic is appropriate for readers of that site, and there is no need to send the entire publication unless the site owner requests it, and pay attention to the exceptions that exist for each site and follow them; For sites where there are no rules, start by introducing yourself including your testimonials, telling them about the idea you want to write about, why you think it is important to their audience as well as what you want to cover in the post, and the most important thing is to make your idea clear and include how your post helps the site and visitors.

Step 4: Create a promotional plan
Your role does not end when you get approval to publish, even if you write the post and get approval and upload it, you will need to tell the audience that it has become available, and therefore you will need a promotional plan in agreement with the site owner to attract new visitors to the content, so be sure to discuss the promotional plan and your expectations before it Upload the post, and as long as your goal is to attract new customers by increasing the audience of the site, you must make sure that the content gets the attention it deserves, so ask the site owner about the strategy of promoting other people’s posts to them, and also know if they expect any promotions from you; Your strategy has to fit both sides.

Social media is best for promotion. Site name or hashtags can be used to help attract the audience as well. It is important to interact with all comments on a post, answer queries and even respond to criticism; This helps to increase interaction and reach the best results.

The strategy of publishing on other sites is a great way to increase the confidence of your target audience and attract new potential customers, but if you want to succeed you must plan your post well, and it must be well designed to identify the needs of your readers and focus on the right topics.

Let's review the four steps to follow to create a successful strategy for deployment to other sites:

Do careful research to find what your target audience is interested in, and plan your post based on those results.
Create blogs or websites for influencers in your field, so that your target audience visits them frequently.
Develop a strong idea about the topic you want to talk about in addition to your testimonials.
Create a promotional plan to increase the visibility of your post.

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