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What is dp

What is dp?

What does DP mean? This acronym represents a phrase that almost everyone is familiar with, even if they don’t understand what it means initially. If you use social media, then chances are you have changed your own “DP” from time to time. If you wandered onto this page because you saw this acronym somewhere else and wanted to know what it means, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find its meaning, details of its origin, and some other meanings. You will also see some example conversations for your reading pleasure to help you gain a deeper understanding of the meaning. Finally, you will see some synonyms that you can use in place of this original term that won’t change its meaning.

What Does DP Mean?

The most popular phrase that this acronym stands for is “display picture.” It is another way to refer to someone’s profile picture on social media sites.

Origin of DP

There is no information or details available concerning the origin of this acronym or the phrase it represents. It can be said that it has been used to stand for this meaning and phrase since at least 2005.

Other Meanings

Like most acronyms stand for other things, this acronym is no different. Some other random phrases, official titles, and other items this acronym can represent are “double penetration,” “dick pic,” “double play,” “data processing,” and “dynamic programming.” There are just five examples of other meanings for this acronym. There are many more but there are way too many to mention them all here.
Conversation Examples
A conversation between two friends via text message.

Friend 1: Have you seen my new DP on Facebook?
Friend 2: No, I have not been on there yet today. I have been so busy
Friend 1: Well, make sure you take a look at it when you get a chance and let me know what you think.
Friend 2: Okay, I will!
An online conversation between two Facebook users.

User 1: I love you new DP! When did you take that picture?
User 2: I took it the other day at school when we were in the cafeteria remember?
User 1: Oh yeah! I thought it was at school from the background but I couldn’t remember you taking the picture at first! It’s a great one!
Synonyms of DP

The only synonyms for this phrase that you could use without changing the meaning is the phrase “profile picture” or “account picture.”

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