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How to raise shrimp

Shrimp breeding
Shrimp breeding
Shrimp breeding

How to raise shrimp?

Shrimp breeding

1- Buy live shrimp

One of the main things you need to know about the steps in the shrimp farming method is how to purchase the live shrimp that will be raised.

Live shrimp are usually purchased at pet stores and ornamental fish.

Shrimp are sold in their own basins, but if you want to buy shrimp on its own, you should bring a container or bag of water so that you can transport it home.

The water in which the shrimp is placed must be warm and not hot or cold, as it may lead to its death or freezing.

You need to know the type of shrimp you have acquired, as well as the age stage for them, as you need this in the mating season.

Suggested article: How to catch live shrimp?

2- The shrimp tank

Preparing the tank the shrimp will live in is one of the most important steps in the success of the home shrimp raising method.

The bowl of shrimp is usually a large square made of glass. The size depends on the size or quantity of the shrimp.
A filter is placed in the shrimp tank, as it works to clean the water and purify it of any harmful chemicals.

The filter with a sponge should be selected, as without this sponge the filter can affect the life of the young shrimp.

You should get an air pump and put it in the basin, as without it the water will run out of oxygen, and the shrimp will stop breathing.

The tank is filled with clean, warm water compared to the temperature of shrimp, with a temperature between 18 and 28 ° C.
The shrimp trough should be placed in a place far from danger, as it is easy to break if it falls or collides with something, and thus the shrimp’s life ends as soon as it comes out of the water basin.

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3- The surrounding environment

Creating a suitable environment for shrimp is one of the most important things to know about how to raise and care for shrimp.

Shrimp used to live in natural waters such as rivers and seas, with all their natural features, so a natural-like environment must be created around shrimp.
At the bottom of the shrimp, the tank is a large amount of clean sand, equivalent to about a quarter of the tank they live in.

A group of green leaves and algae should be placed, as they resemble the plants on the bottom of the sea.

You can place a group of small rocks at the bottom of the tank, as they complement the shrimp's natural environment.

4- Shrimp food

Knowing what shrimp food is and how to feed it is one of the most important tips on how to raise shrimp that you should know.

Shrimp usually eat small types of fish, which you can find in stores that sell prawns and pets.
There are many processed foods that are specially made as shrimp food, such as dry food, or crushed food.

You can serve egg yolks as food for shrimp, and this is done after boiling them, then rubbed by hand until they become crumbs and serve for shrimp.

The food for shrimp is placed from the top of the tank remotely without putting hands in the tank water.

Food should be distributed well all over the tank so that it does not accumulate in a hard-to-reach place.

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5- Cleanliness

The cleanliness of the shrimp tank is essential to the success of the home shrimp rearing method.

Before you start cleaning the tank, you should transfer your shrimp to a container of suitable water to host the shrimp while cleaning.

The bowl is emptied of the water and the contents in it, then washed well and dried.

A fresh batch of sand is placed at the bottom of the shrimp pond, then samples of the natural environment surrounding the shrimp are placed on top.

You should fill the tank with fresh, clean water, then put the shrimp back in the original tank.

The shrimp tank needs to be cleaned at least twice a week or once.

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6- Puberty and mating

Dealing with puberty and mating shrimp is one of the most important things to know about how to raise and care for shrimp.
You have to make sure that there are two types of shrimp, male and female, in your tank, and the female is usually larger in size than the male shrimp.

The shrimp are bred within a period not exceeding a week, and if that is delayed, you should consult a specialist, or make sure that you have completed the quality of the shrimp.

After mating the shrimp, the female leaves the first week after mating to fertilize the eggs, then is transferred to another tank until the eggs are laid.

7- Shrimp babies

Taking care of young shrimp is one of the most important steps in the success of the method of raising and caring for shrimp at home.

The shrimp eggs take between 21 and 24 days, then the young shrimp begin to emerge, and they are without feet at first.

Young shrimp are fed with food specially available for them in pet stores, and they can be fed crumbs of hard-boiled egg yolk.

The body of the young shrimp begins to grow fully, with the feet growing, then gradually increases in growth until the entire body grows.

Young shrimp should be transferred to the original pond with the adults after their growth is complete, and it is cautioned to move them before that so that the adults will not eat them.

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