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How much protein does shrimp contain


How much protein does shrimp contain?

The benefits of shrimp and its distinctive nutritional value

Shrimp is one of the distinctive seafood, let us introduce you to the most popular benefits of shrimp for your health

 The benefits of shrimp and its distinctive nutritional value
The popular seafood dish of shrimp or shrimp is a rich source of protein, many minerals and vitamins, pastries, and pastries.

Here we will talk to you about the benefits and nutritional value of shrimp in detail.

The nutritional value of shrimp

Shrimp is considered low in calories, every 6 ounces of it gives you nearly 200 calories, it is rich in high-quality protein, and the vitamins we need from mercury.
You should get close to a protein. Also read: What proteins are best for the body?

The benefits of shrimp for your health
Shrimp and enzymes work
Shrimp from a source rich in minerals, such as zinc and selenium, and potency of minerals important to stimulate activities and procedures to complete vital processes and chemical reactions in the body.

Helps stimulate particle activity

Each 6-ounce serving of shrimp contains roughly 2.8 mg of bitch, which is a daily test for men and 25%.

Shrimp and crab resistance
From free radicals and spoilage, selenium also activates the withdrawal-fighting enzymes and activates the metabolism processes in the body.

A large number of studies for the future

Selenium may limit it to be likened to cancer:

1- Selenium is part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (glutathione peroxidase), which is an antioxidant property that helps protect the body from free radicals.

2- You are expected to know that on Friday the tumour will grow.

Each 6-ounce serving of shrimp provides approximately 84.2 micrograms of selenium.

Shrimp and blood circulation and blood cells

Shrimp supports the formation of red cells in your body, which is due to the growth of red cells. The stem cells grow into cells, and it helps the red cells get to the iron they need to transport it.

Shrimp is also an important source of vitamin B12, which is important for red blood cells and nerves.

Each 6-ounce serving of shrimp provides approximately 512 international units of vitamin A and 2.8 micrograms of B12.

Shrimp and weight loss

Usually, they advise eating food and brown. Shrimp is the recommended food.

It turns out that the lack of vitamin D in the body, you have to wait for its return and return in it, and shrimp is one who enjoys vitamin D.

The third feature, this makes it special, which is what makes it great for fighting obesity and aiding in weight loss and weight loss.

The fourth and final feature in this field is that shrimp is a source of iodine, which is one of the most important minerals that regulate the thyroid gland's work and activity, which leads to weight gain or loss.

Shrimp enhances your beauty

The skin contains antioxidants that make the skin more attractive. Among the most important antioxidants, it contains are carotenoids (carotenoid) and astaxanthin (astaxanthin).

Shrimp is also a source of omega. Not only, but these nutritional values ​​contribute to strengthening the hair and the scalp, and this may enhance its value in hair loss, and it helps to maintain the thickness of the hair in its south.

Are there downsides to shrimp?

Being a great source of electricity, which makes him suffer from cardiovascular disease or have a healthy source. We assure you of the percentage of healthy body fat in shrimp, the percentage of cholesterol that contains air and helps to balance its levels in the body, and this is confirmed by the latest results of studies and recent research.

It represents a risk of shrimp, as it represents a danger in shrimp, which makes it a danger in shrimp, as it represents a great danger, due to its high in sodium, every 6 ounce of it contains about 1610 mg, and it is known that bitter sodium

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